As we are met with a call-and-response track, Kirk majestically imparts to us that Jesus is always working for us and always moving things in our lives that will ultimately eventuate for our good even if we aren’t aware of or even believe the outcome right now. This punchy, captivating, catchy and compelling melody is so far one of my favourite tracks of 2019, and features signature gospel choirs and a sound biblical chorus. A few weeks ago, Kirk’s brand new album Long Live Love released so let’s dive in to hear what Kirk has been up to the past few years.Ī follow up to the stirring 2015 album Losing My Religion, “Love Theory” is everything you want in a Kirk Franklin song and more.

But whatever your views on Kirk outside of music are, there’s no denying utter and raw passion, evident on Kirk’s first single in 4 years, titled “Love Theory”. In my younger years I hardly listened to gospel music…so I guess you could say that right now I don’t really have any opinion of any controversy that one would say that Kirk is/was a part of. Kirk has been linked to supporting many mainstream rappers (inclusive of Kanye) and their search for meaning in this world through music and their own pursuit of ‘their version of Jesus’ but just through association, Kirk has been labelled a heretic by some. Perhaps these differing opinions may be due to the fact that Kirk has had an active hand in Snoop Dogg’s latest gospel album, while back in the day numerous band members filed lawsuits against Kirk for various reasons. Though some would say that Kirk is like the father of gospel music others would say something different, boldly claiming that he’s a wold in sheep’s clothing and not to be trusted.
When by kirk franklin live full#
Not really a full album straight through, but I have listened to a few tracks here and there.

God is my protector, whom shall I fear? And those truths give you the hope to be able to make it another day, to be able to persevere…” To tell you all the truth, I haven’t fully listened to Kirk Franklin’s music all that much. “For God so loved the world,” knowing that I’m included in that statement, and that I’m not an afterthought, and that I’m gonna be okay. Learning the power of love and being loved by the creator of love. So, one of the weapons to defeat fear is love.

“…one thing that I’ve learned is that love and fear cannot occupy the same space. Kirk Franklin– Long Live Love ( Amazon mp3/ iTunes)