Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! This app does a lot of things and this include allowing you to read PDF files, annotate PDF files as well as manage your PDF documents on your android devices. This code will make you die a little inside. One of the top issues being that images were incorrectly rotated. In fact, more control than I even needed for an app mostly used by primary school aged children. In Android, we can scale the bounds of an ImageView by using various ScaleTypes.
Here is how to solve this problem with the code snippets. One of which will be the degree to rotate the captured image in order to produce a JPEG image that is shown to the user in an upright fashion. how to crop image in android programmatically. If you haven’t heard of Seesaw (unless you’re in the education sector or have a kid whose teacher uses it at school, you probably haven’t) it’s an app that teachers can use in their class to allow the students to create and publish pieces of work. provide below methods to process images. You will use decodeFile(), decodeByteArray(), decodeResource(), or decodeStream() of the BitmapFactory class to create Bitmap object for … To my knowledge macOS does not have any one native command line Unix executable that can rotate all pages in a PDF (while keeping text based ones text based).sip can rotate a single page PDF however the resulting PDF is an encapsulated image, not text if it was text base to begin with. Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out using Kotlin? Examples. How to detect and show android device screen orientation mode name landscape,portrait on screen.